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ID: 15317

I am everything you never knew you needed

Category: Female looking for Male

Total views: 2781

Date added: 23-09-2019y


Phone: 4047934603

Country: USA

City: Atlanta, Atlanta, Atlanta


I find the layered nature of others fascinating and have long felt individuals are something to be unwrapped and cherished.

For the sake of delineation, others have described me as intellectually flexible, grounded, ambitious, silly at times, but I’ll leave that for you to decide. Dipping my toes in many worlds lends a richness and complexity which I crave, perhaps you understand.

We might be from the same city or we may hail from opposite sides of the world, but if you are kindhearted I’m confident we’ll find common ground, after all, we both know what the lingua franca is.

More of everything can be found on my website or follow me on Instagram & twitter!